If you want to register, you have 2 choice, select which you prefer: 1) Register directly sending the form and the amount to the author (cash or postal money order ONLY, please) To register directly use the 'Sharebox' program included with every copy of this program. Sharebox allow you to see a description of Roberto Panetta shareware production and to save a document with the registration data of the program you are interested. Print it and send it with the amount requested to the author. 2) Registering using 'Kagi Shareware' service (the author has an agreement with them) Using Kagi Shareware you can pay using: Check, Money Order, Cash, Approved Invoice, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, FIRST VIRTUAL. To register using 'Kagi Shareware' service, use the 'Register' program included with every copy of Flight Master. Fill it with your data and send it with payment to 'Kagi Shareware' Do not send it to me! *I CAN NOT PROCESS IT* *I CAN NOT SEND IT FOR YOU TO KAGI SHAREWARE* 'Kagi Shareware' will notify me your registration as soon as they receive it. After your registration, you will receive back, the registration number. You can ask specifically for an email answer or for a snail (normal) mail answer. When you get the answer: Run the program, choose register, insert your full Name as you sent to the author and the registration number you obtained. Attention !! You MUST digit your name exactly how you sent to the author with the same capitalized letters and space betwen single names. Then you must digit in the appropriate field EXACTLY the registration number you obtained via mail by the author! Consider that the author calculates the registration number using the name you sent to him, so you MUST insert the same name EXACTLY ! Attention Keep the registration you obtained by the author in a safe place! The program won't ask the registration until you don't move the program on another mac, but if you want to install the program on another mac, or you change your startup HD or reformat your HD, you will be asked to reinstall Flight Master with your data! Thank you!